DISCLAIMERS and IMPORTANT INFORMATION about Neurotypicalism Speaks
Neurotypicalism Speaks is not affiliated with Autism Speaks or any other organization. While this site is clearly a parody, the intent and purpose is not to disparage any positive and constructive work done by any organizations or individuals who work hard to promote understanding and offer support for autistic people (even when we don’t realize it). In fact, we think this site is a compliment to organizations like Autism Speaks, working for the same goal: better lives for everyone.
Neurotypicalism Speaks is not a charity! If you want to donate to a charity, that would be something like Autism Speaks, with which we have zero affiliation. Our name is a parody on their name. According to CharityNavigator.com, Autism Speaks has a 100% rating and has a 4/4 star rating. Some very well-known and very large charities do not rank that high.
If you were to make a “donation” to Neurotypicalism Speaks, it would not be giving to a charity. Rather, it would be like giving a server a tip at a restaurant, counted as their personal income and nothing you can use as a tax deduction. If, for example, you wished to donate towards actual autism research, donating to us would do nothing. You would need to donate to a charity, such as Autism Speaks, and not a parody site based on the name of real charity. If, however, you wanted to support a blog on autism by an individual that happens to be a parody as well, you could donate to this site. This is an important distinction, in case it is not obvious.
We chose the name of this site simply because Autism Speaks is the most well-known organization for autism and not because we are arguing for or against any issues a person or group may have with Autism Speaks or any other organization. If you have concerns about Autism Speaks specifically, please do not infer anything negative about them from our site. Instead, refer to their own page here: https://www.autismspeaks.org/autism-speaks-controversy. Also, keep in mind that autism and the understanding of it has been progressing rapidly over the past couple of decades, and any research and attempts to make things better – as is the mission of Autism Speaks – will inevitably meet with setbacks and challenges. Autistics should know this better than anyone.
This site is not meant to disrespect anyone. We love all people! There is truth in parody, and for many of us autistics, we often must communicate in atypical ways to have a chance at understanding others or being understood by them.